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Apartments, Studio Apartment, Houses, Villas etc. Furnished and un-furnished available for Rent, Buy and Sell.


Properties for Sale and Rent in Islamabad and Rawalpindi including offices, shops, plazas, Shopping Mall, Institutions and warehouses.

Why Landster is the perfect choice for your next property?



We understand the complexities of the constantly changing real estate market and offer sound solutions. Build a strong reputation among clients and brokers in each of their markets.


Market Knowledge

We offer a deep knowledge of the real estate market and invest a substantial amount of time researching unique campus housing situations in order to best serve your goals.



We pride being honest, trustworthy representatives on our clients’ behalf, and why we have been able to maintain professional relationships with clients for almost two decades now.

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Our Services

We are committed to providing you with a full range of real estate services, no matter where you may be in your real estate journey

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Discover our work satisfaction results from these individuals!

The fact that I keep coming back is a great indication of their level of service and commitment.
by Mr. Habib Khan
Businessman, Construction Company
We also appreciated how well the whole office team handled the sale in a coordinated and thoughtful way.
by Waseem Tahir
Managing Director, Shahid Coach Service
I am extremely happy with Landster's professional services to resolve the rent issue with the current tenant.
by Saeed Rahman
Bureau Chief, Khyber TV
Thanks for your efficient management. I am very pleased with Landster Real Estate.
by Rahmat Ullah
Director, SPNW

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