June 2024

Best Real Estate Projects in Kalam, Swat

Best Real Estate Project in Kalam, Swat: Featuring Landster Spanish Hotel Apartments

Best Real Estate Project in Kalam, Swat: Featuring Landster Spanish Hotel Apartments Introduction Kalam, Swat, often referred to as the Switzerland of Pakistan, is rapidly emerging as a hotspot for real estate development. Known for its stunning natural beauty, breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture. improving infrastructure, and increasing tourist appeal, Kalam offers a range of...

DHA Islamabad VS Bahria Town Rawalpindi

Which Is Better for Investments, DHA Islamabad or Bahria Town Rawalpindi?

Which Is Better for Investments, DHA Islamabad or Bahria Town Rawalpindi? DHA Islamabad and Bahria Town Rawalpindi are the most well-known and reputable housing brands in Pakistan. These two real estate heavyweights have been working together for decades, delivering a variety of luxury home projects across Pakistan. However, the Islamabad-Rawalpindi branches are regarded as superior...

PM Development Programmes

Budget 2024-25: PM Shehbaz Leads NEC Meeting on Development Programmes

Budget 2024-25: PM Shehbaz Leads NEC Meeting on Development Programmes ISLAMABAD: The National Economic Council (NEC) will meet under the direction of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif at PM House to complete the development plan for the upcoming fiscal year. In addition, the four provincial chief ministers and representatives from the federation and provinces will discuss the development programme for...

Pakistan China Investment Agreement

Pakistan China Investment Agreement for New Projects

Pakistan-China Investment Agreement for New Projects ISLAMABAD: To encourage investment in important projects, the National Bank of Pakistan and China Pakistan International Silk Road Industry Investment Management Company Ltd. have inked an MOU. The objective of this agreement is to: Promote industrial collaboration. Support the creation of special economic zones. Increase...

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