Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has said in the second phase of the ‘Naya Pakistan Manzilein Asaan’ program, Rs14 billion will be spent constructing carpeted roads in rural areas of the province. The Chief Minister said that 154 rural roads with a total length of 1,076 kilometers would be constructed across the province. He said that construction of roads in rural areas is a major project. Roads in rural areas would help farmers take their produce to the markets timely.
The construction of these roads will improve transportation means for people living in rural areas and promote trade and economic activities.
The first phase of NAYA PAKISTAN MANZILEIN ASAN was completed in December 2019. A total of 15 billion was spent on this project. In the first phase of the program, 1,236 kilometers long roads were constructed.
He said that this program was a flagship project of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. Special funds will also be allocated for this program in the next fiscal year, he added.
Moreover, CM believes that the development work will be completed on a priority basis in the rural areas.
Roads play a vital role in rural and agricultural development. Quality roads ensure that the country’s rural parts have faster access to outside products, information, services, and social linkages. Most importantly, it also opens up new markets for existing businesses. Hence, connectivity is easy and costs of entering new markets is reduced. As most of our country’s population, living in rural areas is doing farming, better access to markets is very important. In conclusion, this step taken by CM Punjab will prove to be useful for the economy of our country.
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