Open Plan Living and Dining Room Space Décor Ideas

Open Plan Living

Ideas for Decorating an Open Concept Living and Dining Room

Most new apartment complexes and homes are built with an open floor plan in mind, which the owner may utilize as they see fit. Some feature a combined lounge/dining room or a kitchen diner, while others have an open kitchen/living space. If you want to create an impression on the space, be sure to use these expert ideas for decorating an open floor plan.

Important Tips For Decoration of an Open Floor Plan 

The following are some of the best decorating ideas for dining space and open floor plan homes:

  1. Keep furniture away from the wall.
  2. Differentiate areas with flooring or carpets
  3. Consistent color scheme
  4. Keep symmetry
  5. Contrast colors
  6. Decorate using repurposed items
  7. Keep the furnishings movable.
  8. Evade Edgy Furniture
  9. Make the most of room dividers
  10. Evade HIGH-BACK Furniture

Each of these suggestions is explained in full below. However, keep in mind that the first step in designing an open floor plan is to figure out how that space will function for you and then furnish it appropriately.

Choose furniture and accessories based on how you want to utilize the room as a family.

Is a dining table required, or do you prefer to dine on the floor?

Is the formal sitting room adequate for your visitors, or do you prefer a more informal seating area in the lounge?

Prior to following our suggestions for decorating an open floor plan house, make a list of your options.

Keep Furniture Away From the Wall

Dining Room Space

If you have a large living room that begs to be filled with your things, don’t make the mistake of shoving everything against the wall and leaving empty space in the center. Make good use of your furnishings. Sofas and dining tables should be moved away from the wall. Make a bespoke corridor for your foot traffic by leaving just enough room for a person to walk through.

Differentiate Areas with Flooring or Carpets

Zoning is an important element in open floor designs. Determine which section of the space will be used for whatever function and design it appropriately.

Do you want to make precise distinctions between zones?

Dining Room Space

Consider having hardwood floors in the living room and tiled floors in the open kitchen. Alternatively, you may use various colored flooring to divide the living area into separate zones.

Have a pre-existing floor that you don’t want to change? To separate areas, use rugs, carpets on the floor.

Consistent Color Scheme

Maintaining a consistent color palette across an open floor plan is one of the finest decorating ideas. It’s also a good idea to keep the color palette light and neutral, as this will allow you to add colorful accents to your room while keeping the overall area open and airy.

Dining Room Space

Keep Symmetry

While it’s essential to zone and divide the area into several “rooms,” you can’t have mismatched colors or items in the same living space. The aesthetic attractiveness of the space is also included in the flow we discussed before, where the interior is coherent enough to be easy on the eyes.

Dining Room Space

Harmonizing one main point of each zone is the best method to do this. Consider using the same ceiling light fixtures across your zones, or coordinating the brass legs of your dining table with the brass legs of your living room coffee table.

The goal is to make the space seem like a whole, despite the fact that it is divided into separate zones. Use comparable colors, materials, or textures in your furniture to achieve whatever works best for you!

Contrast Colors

Does it seem to be in conflict with what we’ve stated so far?

That isn’t the case.

Let’s go through this in more detail. Yes, you want a unified space with comparable color schemes in each zone, but is it sufficient?

Would it truly grab your attention if the whole living room was white and grey?

Dining Room Space

This is why open floor designs need hints and bursts of color. In your kitchen, consider painting a prominent wall a different color or using colorful tiles or equipment.

Throw pillows with patterns and bright colors may also be a nice accent to the room. The decision will be based on what works best in terms of furnishings and floor plans. You may add color to your house without using a paintbrush in a variety of ways.

Decorate Using Repurposed Items

To guarantee a better flow of foot traffic, you’ve split the space into zones and chosen to push your furniture away from the walls.

So, what’s next?

Choose the furnishings, to be precise. What is the best way to decorate an open floor plan?

Furniture that may be used for many purposes!

Do you have a kitchen island in the center of the room?

Add shelves for your books and spices, or convert them into storage cabinets on both sides. Convert it into a breakfast bar with bar stools if you want.

Dining Room Space

Why not include the burners and sink into the kitchen island?

Similarly, if you’re adding a coffee table to your living room, look for one that has a couple of ottomans beneath. This allows you to host a bigger group of people in a more relaxed environment. There are many more comparable concepts that you may try out depending on your needs.

Keep the Furnishings Movable

Dining Room Space

The greatest thing about an open floor plan is how adaptable it is. It can be changed to fit your requirements at any time. As a result, avoid buying large furniture that will prevent you from redecorating your home. Choose light, easy-to-move furniture items that you can shift about whenever creativity strikes.

 Evade Edgy Furniture

Because the fluidity and ease of mobility are so important in an open floor plan, furniture with sharp edges or relatively straight lines should be avoided. Sharp lines will seldom assist you to accomplish the goal of blending the space together as one.

Dining Room Space

Furthermore, if you have children or are prone to accidents, this is even more essential, since you may find yourself banging into every edge and corner during the day. Use circular forms or furniture with rounded edges to avoid bruising and reduce the overall appearance of the living area.

Make the Most of Room Dividers

When you have visitors over, you may want to fully shut off a part of the living room. Room dividers are available in a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, and glass. They will provide you with the seclusion you need while still looking fantastic.

Evade HIGH-BACK Furniture

In an open living room, one method to create zones is to position furniture with its back to the room. You might separate your living and eating areas by putting a couch with its back to the table. However, although this works in principle, it’s also essential to consider the couch’s height in practice.

Dining Room Space

If it’s too high, the room’s visual attractiveness will suffer since the eye won’t be able to easily move about it. If it’s too low, it won’t be effective as a separator. As a result, while designing an open floor plan, select your furniture carefully.

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