Which Is Better for Sales Prospecting: Warm Leads Vs Cold Calls?

Warm Calls or Cold Calls

Cold Calling Vs Warm Leads

What exactly does the phrase “sales call” mean to you?

If it up images of a salesperson contacting someone they don’t know and with whom they’ve never spoken before to try to sell a product or service that the person answering the phone may or may not be interested in, you’re not alone. This method is known as “cold calling,”

Many people believe that cold calling is no longer effective. An in-depth study was conducted to refute this misconception, revealing that 82 percent of buyers accept meetings with sellers who reach out to them, and 57 percent of C-level and VP buyers prefer to be contacted by phone.

These findings support the premise that sales professionals should never buy into popular cold calling clichés, but rather avoid frequent traps and continue to pick up the phone in search of their prospects.

You’ve certainly heard the term “warm call” before, but in case you’re not sure what the difference is, consider the possibility of a salesman closing a sale over the phone in terms of temperature.

Let’s dive into cold calling and warm calling so that you can understand it a little more, and fear it less because it really is an awesome sales tactic.

Sales Cold Calls vs Warm Leads

What is Cold Calling?

Cold calling, in its most basic form, it’s a marketing method in which a salesman contacts individuals about a product or service.

Typically, these people have not previously expressed an interest in the company. So cold calling necessitates research to ensure that the salesman only contacts those who are new to and unfamiliar with the company.

The salesperson then informs the consumer about the product or service in order to close the deal.

When making cold calls, the salesperson often knows very little about the requirements or interests of the “lead,” or sales target, and the lead likely knows very little about the salesperson’s firm or what they’re being pushed.

These calls have short-term sales objectives (focus on “quick hits” rather than refining the target market).

Cold calls are frequently regarded as an annoyance, and many of them result in the correspondent hanging up before the salesperson has finished explaining who they are and why they’re calling.

If the sales target does let the caller finish the presentation, it’s more likely that they’ll spend that time wondering when they can get back to their day than paying attention to the details.

In a nutshell, the less total information and/or interest on either side of the call, the less likely the sale will be completed, resulting in the contract being “cold.”


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Advantages of Cold Calling

Here are some advantages to cold calling:

  • The possibility of reaching more individuals and expanding your consumer base
  • It’s fantastic training, especially for newbies looking to hone their pitch.
  • Much more humanizing than an email, get to know your prospects’ personalities and sense of humor to make a connection and build rapport.

Is it useful for Businesses and Companies?

Cold calling can help your business and company in a variety of ways:

  • Cost-effective
  • Personal Interaction
  • Easy to Adapt


Cold calling is inexpensive and simple to execute. While alternative marketing strategies, such as digital, are effective, they can be expensive to execute. Cold calling is the best technique to generate leads quickly and cheaply.

Personal Interaction

Cold calling allows salespeople to interact with prospective consumers on a one-on-one basis. Because the clients’ pain areas can be identified, this allows for greater influencing power. Other strategies, such as email marketing and digital marketing, do not have this advantage.

Easy to adapt

Cold calling is easily adaptable. They can be particularly customized to the company’s aims. Whether it’s to tell clients about a product or service welcome them to sample the company’s offering, or even provide them with a discount code as an incentive. It might be flexible depending on the script.

cold calls vs warm leads

What is Warm Leads?

Now that we’ve learned the basics of cold calling, let’s move on to the much-loved warm call.

Warm calling is when you contact a prospect who has already had some type of contact with you, such as an email, a recommendation, a direct mail campaign, and so on. Because you’ve already warmed up the prospect, the potential customer knows who you are and what you do, making for a far less clumsy introduction and a smoother sales call.

Warm calls are the outcome of lead creation, which entails more time-consuming, but more fruitful sales objectives.

Though these calls necessitate extra preparatory work, the leads have already been qualified.

This means that the person answering the phone may have previously called your organization to inquire about a specific product or service, left their business card at your trade show booth, or completed a survey on your website.

Calls made in response to these types of contacts result in much higher sales because salespeople have more information on the leads and can tailor their pitch accordingly, and their correspondents have already expressed some interest in the company or its offerings and are thus much more willing to hear out the salesperson.

Advantages of Warm Calling

Here are some advantages to Warm Calling.

Warm calling can help your business in a variety of ways, including those that standard sales calls may not have:

  • Market Qualified Leads (MQL)
  • Relationship and Trust
  • Customizable

Market Qualified Leads (MQL)

The prospects you call are almost certainly already in your sales funnel. These could even be MQLs, which you wouldn’t acquire via a sales call.

Relationship and Trust

Because you’d already interacted with the prospect, you’d have some trust going into the call. This would make converting the lead into a customer easier.


When cold calling, the prospect is unknown to you and you have no information. With a warm call, you may deliver details that directly meet the prospect’s needs and perhaps reward them with a welcome discount or incentive that they will appreciate.

Final Verdict

Using cold and warm calling in tandem is a surefire way to get high-quality leads and nail your sales strategy.

So, before you plan to quit your cold-calling boots in favor of warm-calling alone, keep in mind that practice makes a man perfect, and that, while it may appear intimidating at first, cold-calling is only the first step in developing a tremendous rapport and personal connection with your prospect.

We seek comfort in connecting with others over the phone now more than ever.

Take advantage of this opportunity to develop connections with your prospects, and approach your cold calls with the same care and attention that you would with your loved ones.


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